What Benefits of Swimming and Lifeguard

Swimming well requires time, practice and perseverance , but when we are able to swim efficiently, it is possible that we can find ourselves with what they call " flow ", that feeling of enjoyment that completely abstracts you from what you are doing, as if stop time.

The benefits of swimming with lifeguard training

Swimming with lifeguard training brings a long list of benefits. If it is one of the most complete sports, it is because it really works your whole body and mind .  

As is evident, its regular practice produces adaptations in our cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems, exerting a very positive impact on our health , but… 

Why is swimming good for health and well-being?

Swimming , like all exercise, releases endorphins in your brain . Thes e are the hormones that make you feel good. They help increase positivity and generate a sense of well-being and happiness. Some research has shown that swimming can help treat stress. 

It highlights the enormous potential of swimming and Lifeguard activity to improve the health of the population due to its popularity and accessibility.  

The unique properties of water make swimming perfect for exercise by people of all ages , especially those with injuries, impairments, long-term health conditions, or those who struggle to exercise on land. 

Evidence was found that swimmers live longer, that swimming regularly helps older people stay mentally and physically fit , and participation in swimming lessons can help children develop stronger physical, cognitive, and social skills. Quick.  

Swimming has a positive impact on a variety of physical and mental health conditions , including obesity, cancer, cerebral palsy, and lung disease.  

There is increasing evidence that swimming and lifeguard is a profitable activity that will help save the NHS money.  

Aquatic activity not only helps build aerobic fitness, it's also good for strength and balance development.  

There is emerging evidence on the contribution of swimming to support the healthy development of children and how this can contribute to their physical, mental and social skills. 

Promoting well-being or "well-being" is an issue that is gaining special relevance in the times in which we live , and refers to that state that makes us feel good both physically and mentally. 

And something that favors and enhances it considerably is swimming in the sea , due to the contact that exists with nature and the sensations of freedom that it produces. 

In a qualitative study , they analyzed regular open water swimmers to gain access to their experience and understand how swimming in the sea impacts well-being.  

They found that swimming in the sea: 

It is transformative : causing changes in the mind, in the body and in identity. 

Allows connection: enabling a sense of belonging to nature. 

It is re-orientating : Through the interruption of the sense of time, space and the body, swimmers can find alternative and expanded perspectives on themselves and their environment.  

All these effects have a positive impact on well-being and indicate that swimming in the sea offers benefits that go far beyond a way to improve physical fitness. 

Swimming  And Lifeguard Training

As is evident, each one of us has different customs, needs and concerns. What I mean is that, since we are different individuals, with different genetics and experiences, with respect to Swimming and training, each one of us is going to need the lifeguard Training Near Me. 

We can establish different levels of training depending on the experience or the level of training we have, that is, if we are beginners, intermediate or advanced .  

For each one we must adjust a certain load . When we talk about load we talk about the dose of exercise, that is, the volume (total training time) and the intensity (amount of effort that it costs us), which should be adequate for us based on our current physical state. 

And not only that. As we mentioned at the beginning, swimming is a fundamentally technical sport, which means that in order to enjoy and train properly, we must learn its technique well. 

But there is no need to be alarmed, because with perseverance and some practical advice we can improve a lot in a short time.  

Next, we will give you some basic guidelines for those who want to start swimming, or have been doing it for a short time, and who can easily carry out a training session both in the pool and in open water. 

Swimming training for beginners in the pool

The general goal of swimming and lifeguard training for beginners is to reach a level where the training improves and maintains our physical condition.  

The 2 main challenges are to increase the resistance to be able to swim continuously without stopping and to improve the position of the body in the water, the efficiency of the strokes and the breathing through technique exercises.  

It is recommended that you initially stay within a specific distance until you can comfortably complete workouts at that distance. Each person must adjust according to their perception of effort and gradually increase the total meters. 

The following is a swimming pool training session aimed at people who have just started swimming. A total distance of 600 meters may seem like a long way at first glance, however, if you split up you can easily complete the distance.  

Tip: I would like to point out that in many cases where your swimming technique is not strong enough, you could consider joining a basic swimming course or program with a coach, it may make things easier at first. And if you decide to just go great, take your time and enjoy the workouts. 

Beginner pool training

Pool training to start with this sport is a very good option. This is for the safety of a pleasant and controlled environment that swimming in the pool provides.

Pool training session for beginners

  • Training objective : increase resistance, improve the stroke in front crawl style.  
  • Total distance : 600 meters 


  • 2 x 50 meter freestyle / 30” rest between sets (rest between lengths if necessary)  
  • Main part 
  • 4 x 25 front crawl: technique – accentuate the high and flexed elbow in the aerial phase or recovery of the stroke by touching the armpit with the hand. Increase the roll and slide of the hand in the phase of entry into the water. 
  • 4 x 50 crawl resting 30 seconds between each set (try to hit the same time on each set). 
  • 4 x 25 meter front crawl counting and lengthening the stroke length (try to keep an even number of strokes in each set). 

Back to the calm  

This is a basic workout designed to improve endurance and basic freestyle stroke technique.  

You will swim lengths of the pool and count how many strokes are needed per length. It is best to count a stroke as a complete cycle of both arms. This will help you develop a good rhythm while swimming. Try to do fewer strokes per pool, reaching forward with your fingertips.  

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