House rules for competitive swimming

 About competitive swimming

Competitions are swum in all four standard swimming strokes front crawl, breaststroke, back crawl and butterfly. In addition, the combination of these, the medley. The distances can vary from a single 25 meter lap to the 1500 meter freestyle. Competitions are swum in the different age categories.

The novice swimmers will still swim the short distances, while the experienced swimmers will train the longer distances and swim at the competitions with Lifeguard class.

In addition to its individual character, competitive swimming is also a team sport. HZPC also participates in various competitions. You participate in these competitions with a whole group and the joint results determine how well we do as an association in the competition.

Groups and trainings

The ever-growing competitive swimming division is divided into two groups, so that swimmers with a comparable level and ambition train simultaneously:


For swimmers in the minors (primary school) age. In this group a difference has been made for the novice swimmers (entry students) and the swimmers who have already gained experience.

Juniors, Youth & Seniors:

Swimmers in the junior, youth, senior age who want to train well, both with and without a performance target. However, participating in competitions is mandatory for the competition department. The training intensity varies from once a week to 6 times a week. This in consultation with the trainer and your own wishes.

To start 

However, competitive swimming is different from swimming lessons. To be able to start at the competitive swimming department, you must have at least a “Super Spatters” or a B diploma. As a connection to the diploma swimming, HZPC works with the Star Plan for the youngest group.

Do you think competitive swimming is your sport, but would you like more information or would you like to come and have a look? Please contact the swimming committee:

Can't train for once

The trainers are always there for you. If you can't come and train once, which is a pity and annoying, please pass this on to your trainer.

Code of conduct

Within the competition department of HZPC there are a number of rules of conduct for both training and competitions. These rules are designed to ensure that it is clear to every swimmer what is expected of him/her. The trainers can call you to account if you do not follow the rules.


  • I will unsubscribe from my contact person (trainer) by e-mail or by telephone if I cannot pass a training.
  • Together with my teammates I am responsible for setting up and cleaning up the pool, so I help.
  • I make sure that I change clothes in time before the start of the swimming training, so that I can help with the set-up.
  • I make sure that I have my training materials and a filled bottle with light Ranja or water with me and that they are in order.
  • From a hygienic and safety point of view, slippers are mandatory! After all, it can be very slippery in the pool.
  • My parents don't interfere with the swimmers when changing.
  • I respect my team members, trainers and assistant trainers.
  • I am careful with the materials of the association.
  • I will do everything I can to enjoy my sport and to propagate this to my team members.


  • It is desirable to wear the club swimming cap during the competitions.
  • If I cannot start, I will report this to my contact person as soon as possible.
  • I will keep the use of my phone or tablet to a minimum, so that I can communicate pleasantly and pleasantly with my teammates.
  • For the younger swimmers it is useful to bring a card game or booklet, as some competitions can take a little longer.
  • I will do everything I can to radiate sportsmanship during the matches.
  • I leave the coaching to the appointed supervisor(s). Despite the sincere advice, my parents will not be coaching. Then I will not be in doubt.
  • I will do everything I can to encourage my teammates
  • From juniors it is my own responsibility, together with my parents, that I register myself for the competitions. After the registration is online I will check it.
  • I take enough food and drink with me to the competition so that I can quickly replenish lost fluids and energy between the distances. Sweets and soft drinks are strongly discouraged. 
  • I make sure I have all my gear with me for the match and check my bag when I leave to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.
  • My teammates appreciate that I am also present throughout the game. So if I unexpectedly have to leave earlier, I will have made this known in advance to the responsible trainer or team management.
  • During the game I sit with my coach and teammates, not with my parents. I also stay with my club mates during the match.
  • I make sure that I am well prepared for the competition during the swim-in. If I need help, I ask my trainer for a swim-in program.
  • I prepare well for my competition and know when and what to swim.
  • Together out together at home, the departure of the matches is central from the pool.
  • Special agreements made with the group with final responsibility are observed.

During the game

When you arrive at the pool, you look at where your coach and team are and you sit down.


In the event that you are unable to participate in the competition, you must cancel your registration by telephone with your own trainer before 8 p.m. on Monday prior to the competition. If you cancel late or do not cancel, you will be charged a penalty per distance. See the list of rates of the KNZB, these are indexed every year. It is not possible to unsubscribe from competition matches. In case of illness, cancel on time, by telephone, with the trainer!

Out together, at home together

We think it is very important as an association that everyone stays until the end of the game. It's no fun if you have to swim in the last program and all the other swimmers have already gone home. So out together, is home together!

Types of matches

As a swimming club we will participate in different types of competitions. Below is an overview of various matches that you will encounter on our competition calendar.

Miniors-Juniors circuit and Minor's Clubmen

Are competitions intended for boys minors 2 to 6 and girls minors 2 to 5 and juniors 1 to 2. All children who master the distance and stroke to be swim can participate in this competition . In addition, there is a fun miniors team competition, the regional Minioren Clubmeet. The Clubmeet is a mandatory competition for all minors. You will be specified by the trainer for this.

At every competition in which Miniors participate, 1 or 2 parents will accompany them as guidance in addition to the trainers.

Competitive Competitions

Are mandatory competitions for all “selected” competitive swimmers. There are 4 matches per year for a points classification. These are very important matches for the association. It is therefore not possible to unsubscribe from these competitions, after all you have been selected by your trainer to participate. You swim the complete 4 competition matches at all times. The trainer registers the swimmer and will inform the relevant swimmer about stroke and distance.

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