5 health benefits of swimming in (cold) open water

 Swimming laps in nature is nothing new in itself. A few years ago, some adventurers could be found in the cold water before dawn. But since corona time, open water swimming has only really gained ground. After all, the swimming pools were closed for a long time, unlike most nature reserves with lifeguard course.

Health benefits of open water swimming

Before you immediately sprint to the nearest pond in the area, it might be a good idea to check swimmingwater. This website contains an overview of places where you can swim in open water, and what the water quality is like there. A must for any lover of a cold dive. Getting out in the cold every now and then may be a challenge, but who knows, the health benefits below might win you over.

1. Good for your heart and circulation

As soon as you touch the cold water with your feet, you notice that your heart rate increases. The unexpected cold stimuli cause your circulation to accelerate, so that more blood is pumped to the vital organs such as the heart. Your body tries to keep itself warm with this , so that you burn more calories.

2. You train your mindset

Everyone hates the cold. But if you get yourself into the water anyway, even though you know you don't like it at first, you can get a huge mindset boost from it. Every time you brave the cold water is a victory in itself.

The Australian professor Marc Cohen therefore also speaks of 'extreme wellness'. You go outside your comfort zone, to feel better afterwards than you did before. So you have to do something that is uncomfortable first to experience the positive effects.

3. Good for your body

We don't have to tell you that exercise is good for your body. Not only does your body look better if you exercise regularly, but your body also recovers from hours in the gym, on the bike or in the open water with lifeguard recertification usa.

Swimming is one of the more intense sports to practice because it is a full-body workout . This means that you train different muscle groups at the same time at your own weight. For example, with a run you mainly put your leg muscles to work, but with a swimming session you also train the arms and back.

That does not mean that swimming also has a higher impact on your body. In fact, if we compare the weather to running , swimming is better for people who are prone to injuries. You do not put any pressure on your tendons and joints, making it a sport that you can practice until a late age.

4. Cold makes your immune system stronger

There are several studies that show that swimming in the cold has a positive effect on the immune system. This large review study also comes with some evidence that a short exposure to cold water is good for your immune system. People seem to get sick less quickly.

5. It makes you happier

A dip in cold water gives an energetic feeling. This is because our happiness chemical, dopamine, is produced extra. This is not only the result of the cold water, but also of the fact that you are in nature . Because look around you, you are probably in a beautiful place. No wonder it makes your body happy.

Also read about:  House rules for competitive swimming

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