
 Swimming can look scary if you can't do it, but anyone can learn it. Being in the water can be a lot of fun and knowing how to swim can be a life saver. To feel comfortable in the water, you only need to be able to do a few initial strokes. Then, when you're ready, you can learn more swimming techniques with Lifeguard training

Feeling comfortable in the water

1 : Let go of your fears.

\ Many people have never learned to swim because they are afraid of drowning. While it does happen that people drown, in many cases it could have been prevented with a few simple safety measures. If you follow these guidelines, the chance of drowning will be greatly reduced:

Never go swimming alone. Always go swimming with someone who can swim well, or even several people who can swim well.

Do not start swimming in moving water. When you learn to swim in a sea or river, you have to pay much more attention to the flow of the water. If there's no other option, always have someone around who knows what he or she is doing, and carefully read the steps on how to get out of a tidal current or wild river (below).

Don't go too deep. When you first learn to swim, do so in water where you can stand. Then if something goes wrong, you can just get up and breathe.

Never swim in bad weather. If it rains a little, you can go for a swim, but if a big storm is coming, you should get out of the water immediately. This also applies to experienced swimmers.

Do not swim in too cold water. Moving your legs can suddenly become difficult if you're swimming in water that's actually too cold to swim in with ;lifeguard recertification usa

2 : Learn to float. 

When you're in the water, you can hold onto the side and let your legs float behind you. It should be easy if you let go of your legs. Practice this on both your back and stomach, until it feels easy to float.

Try floating on your back and on your stomach. Don't go too deep so you can just stand up if it doesn't work out. It may feel strange to have water around your ears when your nose and mouth are above water, but you will soon get used to it. For extra stability, place your arms straight at your sides so that your body is in a T-shape.

3Do not panic.

 Remember that you can always float on your back if you get into deeper water or can't move your legs. Don't swing wildly or breathe faster if you can't swim, just lie as flat on your back as possible and let the water carry you as you stay that way.

4 : Practice exhaling underwater. 

Stand in shallow water, take a deep breath and submerge your head. Now slowly exhale all the way through your nose and come back up.

If you don't like breathing through your nose, you can also hold your nose closed with your fingers or with a nose clip and then exhale through your mouth.

Also read about swimming:  5 Beginner Swim Tips For Adults

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